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We have replaced a bellows that acts as a dust cover on a boat loader that is used when loading grain. The mission was unusual, since it required personnel that aren’t afraid of heights, as well as favorable weather.

The reasons for the requirements were that the work needed, to some extent, be carried out at a height of 25-28 meters above the water in Helsingborg’s harbour.

− Careful risk assessments based on different scenarios were carried out to ensure the right tools, suitable barriers, redirection of other boat loading and personnel who could concentrate at a high height above the water among other things, says Daniel Christiansson, Head of Department for Jernbro’s Lantmännenkontrakt in southern Sweden.

The work day in question offered the best weather conditions with bright sun and little wind. The work began with loosening cables to free the 20-metre-long bellows. It required several mechanics and electricians who worked simultaneously from different angles towards the boat loader.

When the old bellows were lifted down by crane, the lifting and installation of the new bellows, which serves as protection for the discharge cones, was planned and carried out. Holders and straps, with which the unloading cones are attached, were also replaced.

− It’s positive that we had the personnel required for the challenging work and that we could offer a comprehensive solution with project managers, mechanics and electricians from Jernbro in Helsingborg and Gothenburg. We are also satisfied that we could follow the time schedule and that we, after a successful test run, have contributed to more reliable availability and a better working environment, Daniel concludes.

Bild 1) The old bellows.
Bild 2) The cover is lifted off on the old bellows.

Bild 3) The old bellows is freed from cables etc. 










 Bild 4) The cover is completely off the old bellows.
Bild 5) The new bellows.

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Daniel Christiansson, Department Manager Lantmännen South Region +46 10-483 10 90 Email

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