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Up until now, Swedish industry has been able to maintain both competitiveness and profitability in a tough global market. At the same time, there is still a huge potential for improvement.

The improvement potential lies hidden in the various support functions and supply systems that exist around the actual production set-up. With the right approach and total cost focus, the maintenance department and systems for energy and media supply can be “transformed” from pure cost items to important competitive advantages to increase margins.

We at Jernbro are a specialised partner who can release this hidden potential through the development and streamlining of your technical support functions and supply systems. We have both the competence and the resources to help you identify, quantify and realise the improvements – from preliminary study to implementation with a guarantee of results.

Book a meeting here!

The hidden costs are huge

A survey from Chalmers University of Technology shows that maintenance has an economic impact of at least SEK 177 billion per year on Swedish industry. Nearly SEK 60 billion of this amount is spent unnecessarily because of lack of planning, incorrect or, in the worst case, lack of maintenance. Identifying and combatting these costs is therefore of the utmost importance.

It’s about more than just maintenance

We identify and release improvement potentials in several areas. It is, of course, all about developing processes, decision support systems, working methods and skills in maintenance that lead to safer and more efficient production. But to get at the real potential, we look at a broader picture. Other areas that account for a large part of your total costs are, for example, for energy and media supply systems. It can be anything from leaking compressed air systems and problems with the control systems to solutions for recovering heat. As part of the deal, you get a reduced environmental impact.

We are certain that we make a difference

Our existence is justified by the fact that we can improve your competitiveness and profitability. Our margin is therefore linked to the improvements we actually bring about in your facility. In other words, you have nothing to lose – you only win. We can also consider financing investments when needed.

We help you all the way

We are Scandinavia’s leading company in industrial services. Our size and our resources mean that we can help you all the way from preliminary study and analysis to the improvement plan and the actual implementation with a guarantee for the result.

You always have access to the right skills

Our 2300 employees are close to you all over the country. This enables flexible staffing and that you always have access to the required skills. In-depth expertise and understanding of the industry’s conditions mean that we dare to promise you improved productivity and a lower total cost.

We can take total responsibility

Often you get the best results if you let us take total responsibility for the staff and systems affected by the improvement plan. We have both the muscle and the knowledge required. In addition, we have long experience and well-proven processes for taking over and developing staff.

There are many reasons for accepting help from a specialised partner. You get a greater focus on maintenance development from a total cost perspective. You get increased flexibility and can easily adapt to the variations in the production volume. You can quickly implement improvements and increase efficiency in areas that are normally a little outside your core business (and which naturally have a lower priority). You also secure the availability of maintenance skills. Our knowledge creates local growth. We do this by building structural capital and developing business relationships with other companies in your region.

Our wide range of services enables us to perform all types of maintenance assignments.

Where do I start?

A good first step is to make an appointment for a first unconditional meeting where we tell you more. You can do it here.

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    Berndt Johansson, Business Area Manager Partnerships & Specialist Services Gothenburg +46 10-483 11 83 Email

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