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Björn Nilsson is our new business development manager within our new investment in the area of Energy Management. In dialogue with customers, Björn will focus on further developing business concepts and offers to contribute to a more sustainable production as well as reduced energy use and environmental impact.

− Jernbro sees that it’s of the utmost importance that the industry catches up with regard to energy efficiency, reduced energy consumption and reduced energy costs. This must be done in order for the industry’s technical supply system to continue to be able to produce and deliver and for the industry to be able to meet its environmental goals. It feels very positive that there’s a commitment and a strong engagement at Jernbro for us to invest in Energy Management, says Björn Nilsson.

Energy ManagementBjörn is a senior energy engineer and worked most recently at Vattenfall, where he worked as a strategic business developer. Björn’s solid experience also includes building establishments for district heating and cooling, energy consulting, development of energy concepts as well as project manager and sales manager.

Often, technical supply systems and support functions are not sufficiently efficient and the surplus energy is not used either. By optimizing peripheral functions and supply systems, the purchase of primary energy can be reduced by 70% and CO2 emissions can, in turn, be reduced by 97%.

Björn continues:
– Most industries have older systems and therefore, I see opportunities where we can create conditions for the industry to avoid future production and delivery problems. By implementing energy-efficient solutions and utilizing untapped potential, you can also have a more sustainable production that uses less energy which in turn has a smaller environmental impact.

The Energy Management concept covers everything from a feasibility study with a cost-calculated and prioritized action plan to the implementation of measures with guarantees for the result. The work is based on long-term customer collaborations where Jernbro takes responsibility for operation, maintenance and ongoing optimization.

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