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We support the water and sewage sector as well as the industry sector, where process water is a key parameter with assessments of status and risks and CE marking, but also education. Pumping stations, sewage treatment plants and water treatment plants for drinking water are some of the facilities we have extensive experience of.

As emission requirements have increased in recent years and with a continuously growing population, there’s a need for renovation, new technology and new facilities in water and sewage. To help reduce the maintenance debt and a better working environment that complies with laws and regulations, we have secured the right skills in the area.

Status assessments & risk assessments

CE-märkning VA

In status assessments, we inspect and evaluate hardware and documentation regarding plant, equipment, machines, processes, activities and data.

When it comes to risk assessments, we review largely the same, but based on what risks there are for the staff.

Typical risks within water and sewage are biological, ie risk of infection with hepatitis, tetanus and jaundice as faeces are involved. Another thing that is controlled is the hydrogen sulphide content that is formed by sewage. It is not only a toxic gas, but also causes things to rust faster than they need to. This makes it extra important that cleaning and ventilation work well. If you are a producer of drinking water, the law says that you must regularly do water tests to ensure that the water is good. We secure your opportunities to perform these analyzes.

Other things that are reviewed in risk assessments are, for example, sharp edges, broken railings, gaps in grid floors and if there’s a risk to squeez your fingers when closing taps.

The status and risk assessments lead to an action plan that states what needs to be done with regard to, for example, structural machine equipment, work environment and CE marking in order to have a satisfactory work environment for the staff. The action plan is accompanied by a cost proposal that shows what it costs to implement the measures.

After reviewing the action plan and cost proposals, we are the right company to take it further to the implementation phase, since we have the competence and the resources for this, as well. Due to the completed status and risk assessments of the facility, we also have gotten to know your facility and are therefore well substantiated with knowledge to carry out the measures in the plan.


CE-märkning VAWhen investigating possible CE-marking, we analyze the actual installation of built-in machine systems as well as machines and machine lines during conversions. Therefore, we look at the entire installation and not just the individual machines. Of course, it’s also included to find out how the machines are intended to be used, as this is where risks and shortcomings usually exist.

When installing machine systems, CE-marking is a legal requirement and when rebuilding a machine, the machine’s CE-marking must be upgraded. CE- marking can be seen as an approval of a risk analysis. CE-marked equipment increases safety and security in the workplace for both employers and employees. The responsibility for implementing CE-marking lies with the plant owner.

By hiring us from the beginning with the purchase of machines, planning, design and installation, you can, for example, avoid conversions due to incorrect installations. In that way, it will probably be cheaper in the long run.


We continuously provide customized training based on knowledge, equipment and needs. For example, we offer consultation and problem solving regarding polymer, thickening and dewatering equipment, but also lectures about water path in our society and how sewage works.

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Patrik Nilsson, Manager Polymer Equipment Gothenburg +46 10-483 03 14 Email

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