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We take social responsibility through our sustainability work

At Jernbro, we set high standards for how our operations affect the environment, society and our customers’ operations. It is therefore a matter of course for us that Jernbro is run in an environmentally friendly, quality and safe manner. Social responsibility also includes how we affect the places where we operate. We act responsibly and long-term through great care for the environment and social challenges in combination with working for economic development via growth and profitability. Together with you and our other customers, we can create a more sustainable Swedish industry.

In our offer, social responsibility is distinct, as several of the efforts contribute to a more efficient use of the customers’ resources and energy. In this way, you and our other customers also meet their environmental goals. In the picture below, it can be seen that we, together with you and our other customers, are part of the circular change in society and contribute to the the steps Maintain, Reuse and Remanufacture steps. This is, for example, because we work to extend the life of machines and components with maintenance and repairs as well as efficiency and optimization measures of production facilities.

Cirkulär ekonomi i ett systemperspektiv, Jernbro


In order to be able to communicate our sustainability work, we use an industry standard called ESG, which stands for Environmental, Social and Governance. Working actively in these three areas is our contribution to a stable and sustainable development over time and which provides security for employees, customers, suppliers and owners as well as society at large.

UN Global Compact
We are members of the UN Global Compact and it is an important part of our work to contribute to sustainable development. This means that we are committed to apply and support the UN Global Compact’s Ten Principles on human rights, labor law, the environment and anti-corruption in our processes as well as in our strategy, culture and daily operations. Together with other members, we want to achieve a more sustainable society.


Our environmental responsibility includes the work of constantly trying to reduce our own negative environmental impact as well as contributing to a circular economy where we work for a more efficient management of the earth’s resources. For Jernbro, this means reducing the use of energy and transport. For our customers, we contribute to slowing down and reducing the use of resources through, for example, industrial maintenance, repairs, energy efficiency, water treatment and projects that contribute to the green industrial transformation.

We also take responsibility for the environment and the safety of our employees through a systematic handling of chemicals. In 2021, we developed our way of working by introducing Chemical Administrators at every workplace where chemicals are used and stored. The role clarifies responsibility locally and leads to a safer working environment and reduces environmental impact. Of course, we also work to reduce and sort our waste so that as much as possible can be recycled. We also measure and report our greenhouse gas emissions within scope 1 and 2 (direct greenhouse gas emissions from burning fuels and leakage of rampant greenhouse gases as well as indirect emissions from purchased heat, electricity and cooling). We will also start measuring and reporting greenhouse gas emissions within scope 3 (remaining indirect emissions).

Social responsibility

At Jernbro, we protect our employees by working for a safe workplace that is inclusive, equal, characterized by diversity in thought and action and that is free from violations, harassment and discrimination. In our Equal Treatment Policy, it is made clear that everyone must be treated equally regardless of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, religion, age or gender identity. We value and promote the health and well-being of employees through quality company health care and encourage a healthy everyday life where the annual wellness allowance is one way.

Jernbro has a zero vision regarding work-related accidents. The work environment must be safe and secure. Our way of working must be characterized by respect for and prevention of risks for injuries and accidents that employees, partners, customers and others may be exposed to when we perform work.

That our employees have the opportunity for skills and career development is also part of our social responsibility. Employees play a key role in Jernbro’s ability to provide services of a high professional standard, tailored to our customers. We take a very positive view of employees maintaining and developing their skills in line with Jernbro’s strategy. Each employee therefore makes an individual development plan together with their manager.

Corporate governance

Jernbro’s business must be characterized by a high ethical and moral standard with good financial stability that creates development and security. Jernbro’s two Codes of Conduct govern how we behave in our work within the company and towards the outside world. Our Codes of Conducts contain principles related to the environment, work environment, laws and ethics, anti-corruption, money laundering, competition issues, conflicts of interest, working conditions, whistleblowing, communication and information. We follow the principles of the UN’s Global Compact and the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights as well as the ILO’s core conventions for human rights in working life. Suppliers are also required to comply with these.

Anti-corruption is dealt with in several ways in the company, including in the Representation Policy. In our business, internal and external business relationships are essential. Therefore, it is important that we act in a legally and ethically defensible manner. All employees are encouraged to report suspected violations of applicable laws, regulations or the Code of Conduct, through our whistle-blowing routine. Jernbro does not accept any discrimination or other negative consequences for people who have reported suspected violations in good faith.

Another important part of our work with sustainable corporate governance is cyber security. Cyber attacks happen every day around the world. If Jernbro were to be attacked, it could disrupt our business through the loss of valuable information, as well as affect third parties. That is why we work actively with cyber security on a daily basis and also continuously raise the knowledge of cyber security among our employees.

Our contribution to the The Sustainable Development Goals within Agenda 2030

SDGJernbro’s operations participate and contribute to the The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in several different ways. The goals we consider ourselves to specifically contribute to are the below.

Goal 3: Jernbro values ​​and promotes employees’ health and well-being through quality company health care and encouragement for a healthy everyday life, where the annual wellness allowance is one way.

Goal 5: By working to increase the proportion of women in senior positions and within the company as a whole, Jernbro works for increased gender equality. In the Equal Treatment Policy, it is clear that everyone must be treated equally, regardless of gender.

Goal 8: We protect the rights of employees and work actively to ensure that the working environment is safe and secure for all employees. In addition, decent working conditions and equal pay for all are ensured through freedom of association, collective agreements and wage setting. Our salary policy governs and guides a competency-based salary setting. In addition to this, ensuring the financial stability of the company is an important contribution to Goal 8.

Goal 9: The majority of our services and products that we offer promote the efficient use of resources. Our work contributes to the circular transition as we slow down the flow of industrial equipment through effective maintenance. Our investment in Energy management, which in part involves the implementation of energy-efficient solutions that can make use of excess energy, is another example of how we contribute to more sustainable production within the industry.

Goal 10: Jernbro enables and works to be a workplace that is inclusive, equal, characterized by diversity in thought and action and that is free from violations, harassment and discrimination. Everyone is treated equally regardless of gender, ethnic affiliation, sexual orientation, functional variation, religion, age or gender identity. This is made clear in our Equal Treatment Policy.

Goal 12: We contribute to the sustainable management and use of the earth’s resources via maintenance, repairs and energy efficiency improvements. This supports sustainable consumption and production. Through systematic chemical management, our operations’ chemicals are handled responsibly. Furthermore, we work to prevent, reduce and recycle our waste.

Goal 13: In order to reduce the direct greenhouse gas emissions of our transport, one of Jernbro’s goals is to gradually replace company cars that run on fossil fuels with electric or hybrid cars. Because we work with energy and resource efficiencies, both internally and with customers, we contribute to reducing our climate impact.

curious to know more?

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Jenny Eberger, Environment & sustainability officer Gothenburg +46 10-483 09 27 Email

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