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We can repair and service everything from electric motors, servomotors, servodrives and spindles to pumps, gearboxes and electronics. We also have a high expertise within hydraulics,  punch and press tools and machine processing.

Electronics, control systems and servo actuators

We have long experience of troubleshooting and repair of the most common occurring makes of CNC and PLC controllers with associated components. We secure the quality of work performed through functional tests.

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Servo and electric motors

We have a well-equipped workshop for the repair of servomotors and other motor types. Through the years we have accumulated brand-independent expertise for the most common brands. With our unique test equipment, we can guarantee the quality of our work.

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Testkörning spindelmotor

Our overall concept for spindle service improves both availability and increases efficiency. Training, troubleshooting, disassembly, test operation and installation are included in our offer.

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Our broad knowledge in hydraulics enables us to offer a complete range of services such as renovations, repairs, troubleshooting, installations as well as design, manufacture, development and assembly. We also have great expertise in the installation of pipe components for pipes and hoses.

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Pumps and gearboxes

In our specialist workshop for servicing pumps and gearboxes, we can carry out repairs of several brands. We service larger gearboxes on site at the customer.

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Mechanical machine components

We repair rotating tools, chucks and much more in mechanical machine components at our maintenance workshops, located in a large number of places in Sweden.

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Punching tools

We have extensive experience in service and repairs of hardened punching and pressing tools. Worn tools are renovated by welding on the right material which is then processed in our machine park. Finally, the tool is hardened before it’s delivered back to the customer.

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Electronic components via our web shop

Here you can order printed circuit boards, servos and other electric items. You can also order replacement units, service of components or systems.

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“It feels good to hand over responsibility for this management to Jernbro. They are very knowledgeable, which is vital in such a complex assignment. I really trust that they know what they are doing.”

Catarina Fransson, Hector Rail Gets help with electronics service

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Mats Ahrling, Business Developer Component Servicing Skövde +46 10-483 01 95 Email

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