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We know the industry

We make your production safer, more efficient and more available. Thanks to a broad range of services, we can help you with anything from individual assignments to total solutions where we take full responsibility for your technical support functions and supply systems. This applies whether you want to develop your maintenance or your production plant.

We offer a wide range of services. But one thing unites everything: the goal that you get out more for less money. In-depth competence, understanding of the conditions in industry and closeness to our customers mean we dare to promise this.

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At which level do you need help?

Single assignments

You can get help from us with single assignments, from minor repairs to major projects. Perhaps you need temporary help with maintenance staff or with a project to optimise maintenance? Perhaps you want to check how your business can be more energy-efficient? Perhaps you need to develop and change your production plant?

Recurring assignments

If you need regular help, you can feel secure with a service agreement that we adapt to your needs. Then we guarantee that you have the right resources at the right time. This may involve recurring changes and improvements to your maintenance, preventive maintenance, contingency agreements or periodic component renovations.

Intensive assignments

You want a strategic partner who can take a holistic approach to reduce production costs and increase margins. We take full responsibility for your technical support functions and supply systems.


Ikon för mer säker produktion more safety
Ikon för mer effektiv produktion more efficiency
Ikon för mer tillgänglig produktion more availability

How do you want to develop your production?

Do you want to take a holistic approach to reduce production costs and increased margins with a function agreement?

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Do you need help developing and improving your maintenance?

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Are you interested in a maintenance agreement?

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Do you need extra maintenance resources or specialist skills?

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Do you want to develop your production plant?

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Do you need to increase the capacity of the facility?

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Are you considering letting an expert take over maintenance?

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Do you need project financing through Jernbro's function leasing for industry?

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At Jernbro you get access to a wealth of resources. The required competence is often available locally close to your operations allowing us to work close to you. There are two main benefits. We get to know your business better at the same time as we can allocate the resources needed at short notice.


mechanics, welders,
hydraulic technicians


electricians and
instrument technicians




within various special services

In Scandinavia and internationally

We have many customers. From small and medium-size companies to large international groups. We have also followed our customers out into the world and helped them with both assignments and machine deliveries.

curious to know more?

Select contact

Daniel Merum, Business Development Director Luleå +46 703-76 86 08 Email

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