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We asked 100 maintenance managers in 10 different industries with more than 50 employees if and how they work with condition-based maintenance.

The survey shows that 65 of 100 companies have condition-based maintenance today. A majority of them have worked with it for more than 10 years.

The result is clear. 92% of all companies who work with condition-based maintenance say that it gives increased availability and reduced maintenance costs.


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    Resultatet är tydligt. Ladda ner undersökningen om hur svensk industri jobbar med tillståndsbaserat underhåll.

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      Resultatet är tydligt. Ladda ner undersökningen om hur svensk industri jobbar med tillståndsbaserat underhåll.

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      Niklas Jälmevik, Project Manager Sweden +46 10-483 02 81 Email

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